Top Rated U visa lawyer

U-Visas Lawyer in NYC
Special Immigration Programs for Victims of Crime or Abuse
The United States has long been committed to promoting basic human rights, even beyond its own borders. Our immigration policy is no exception. In addition to robust asylum and refugee programs, the United States also offers numerous other immigration benefits designed to promote humanitarian goals and assist law enforcement in prosecuting those who perpetrate human rights abuses.
Help for Victims of Crime, Abuse and Human Trafficking
As a method of cooperating with law enforcement, U.S. immigration policy provides for different types of visas that grant temporary nonimmigrant status to victims of crime who can assist with investigation and prosecution:
U visas — Individuals who have suffered substantial mental or physical injury as victims of crime in the United States may qualify to remain temporarily in the country to assist law enforcement and provide testimony against the perpetrator.
T visas — Even in the United States, human trafficking is still a serious problem, especially among undocumented populations. Individuals trafficked into the United States or one of its territories or possessions can remain in the country temporarily under a T visa. Applicants must be able to show that removal from the United States would cause them extreme hardship and must agree to cooperate with law enforcement regarding the investigation.
TPS — Nationals from certain designated countries currently under a state of distress who would otherwise be deportable under U.S. immigration law can apply for temporary protected status (TPS) and an indefinite stay of deportation.
Contact Us to Learn About the Various Humanitarian Immigration Programs
As a NYC law firm dedicated to immigration issues, our team at Prizant Law PC remains apprised of the latest programs available under U.S. immigration law. Contact our experienced immigration lawyers in New York City today at 718-407-0871 or online for creative solutions to your complex immigration problems.